Monday, April 27, 2009

I Have a Problem

I cannot get off the damn Myspace forums! I can't stop. I mean, sure, part of it is engaging in interesting converstions with like-minded people, but most of it is verbally bitch slapping ignorant people on the News&Politics forum. Crap. I should be above it and know better, but I get drawn in. Of course, all the enjoyment wears off after a while when they have no comeback other than to call you a 'dope smoker', but still, I continue. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. I also like it when I get called a "hippie" or a "tree hugger" on forums. Because nothing shows your intelligence and command over a topic more than throwing out vague insults. Doh! I am glad you are weaned (-ing? LOL) from the MS forums. Too many douche bags on those things, dudeski!
