Nicotene, we have a problem.
Quitting smoking, that is.
Actually, I'm kidding. I'm loving my smoke-free life, truly (all 7 days of it!).There are just those moments, here and there, that make me wonder if I've really and truly lost my blasted marbles. Example: yesterday at the evilness that is wal-mart (I refuse to capitalize such a monstrosity!). Grouchy check-out bitch, unhelpful and uncaring in-charge-of-something dude, and 10 minutes of voracious arguments coming together to leave me in angry tears in the parking lot. The encounter left me sobbing for a good 15 minutes, for no real reason that I could see other than sheer frustration. And I've been exceptionally moody this past week. Could it be the lack of ciggy's? Possibly. Although a good friend pointed out that women really only have one good week out of the month, mostly free from tear-inducing hormones. I'd agree of disagree, depending on the day.
I need a new hobby
What is it about bad reality t.v. that sucks me in? When I say bad, I mean really, really bad. Bad as in all that is wrong with this society staring at me from my little black box. Case in point: I've now watched two episodes each (avidly, no less) of The Bachelor and True Beauty. Ech! God help me, I can't tear myself away once I start. Maybe it's because I love to judge to the poor bastards on these shows who just can't seem to act like decent human beings. Wait....does that lessen my decency? Very probably.
I'm thinking that instead of watching this mush, I'll start knitting. Sounds like a good hobby, and who doesn't love scarves??
Wendy Kozol’s The War In-Between
11 months ago
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