I should have known, here I am already slacking at blogging like nobody's business. Go figure. Me, the girl who spent one year in Girl Scouts, one year in ballet, and on and on with various other hobbies.
Getting Pampered
My SO and I spent the weekend at the Ojo Caliente Spa north of Santa Fe, and let me tell you! There is nothing in this world like a 2 1/2 hour full body massage, that's for sure. This woman had the most amazing hands in the world, and I wanted to take her home like no other. Add to that a bit of lotus oil and I was a goner!
The mineral pools were awesome as well; I sat and boiled in them a while, though it wasn't nearly long enough. There were arsenic and iron cliffside pools that were fantastic at night under the stars with a back-lit cliff face....bliss..... The steam room made me particularly sweaty and happy, as I cannot abide saunas with their oven-like dry heat; gag!
The spa was basically surrouned by state and BLM land, so there were trails to hike, too, even though I was lazy and only went on a very short one before I retreated back to the indulgence of the pools. But really, who can blame a gal?? The trip was completely relaxing, totally indulgent, and glorious. Not to mention the fan-flippin-tastic food at the restaurant. Yes, it was a little bit o' heaven right here in the New Mexico mountains. If you're ever in the area, check it out; lodging on site is a bit pricey, but entry to the pools isn't too bad, especially if you want a bit of pampering. (I would have been just as happy at some of the completely unaltered hot springs back in the Gila Forest, but who am I to say no when someone else is paying?)
Going to Las Cruces
I found out last week that, yes, I will be living in Las Cruces this fall and starting grad school! Whoo! I'm pretty darn excited. I love Las Cruces, I love the professors that I've met so far in the anthropology department, and I love the possiblities that are hovering in front of me now! I'm also a wee bit terrified, but hey, I can deal with that.
My little guy, E, keeps saying he absolutely, positively does NOT want to move to Las Cruces. Which brings up the biggest issue I have: moving the boys away from from the grandparents (and moving myself away!). I'm pretty sure that's going to be the hardest part for all of us, considering that we've lived next door to them for the last 6 years..... We'll just have to tough it out. I know, I know, I KNOW that this will be completely worth it in the long run. It's kind of like the second step in getting us closer to that ambiguous world of wonderfulness; you know the one, where my kids and I are bi- or perhaps even trilingual, where we live, work, play, laugh, cry, and love in a community that values the real things that are important in life, and the one that is quite simply tropical. (The first step of course was my undergrad degree.) So......flippin......worth.....it.....
Wendy Kozol’s The War In-Between
11 months ago
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