While I am always prepared for news of a lot of talk and absolutely no action (or more accurately, the worst possible action) from most governments, it still just pisses me off. In this Amnesty International article, more proof that for all of their jaw flapping, these politicians really don't give a flying fuck. Don't get me wrong, I like Obama. I do. And I'm not expecting miracles from one man, I never was. But when I read that the indigenous leaders of Latin America were told that there would be no venue for them in Trinidad and Tobago (where the Summit of the Americas was recently held), I about wanted to spit. Blah blah blah! How can we make more money, guys? Cuz I don't give a flip about those pesky natives...Argh!
And how 'bout that Cuban embargo, eh? Obama says he wants to use it as an incentive for Cuba's leaders to get a move on in the human rights department, among other things. Yeah, cuz it's worked so well for the past 40 years, right? And because human rights was such an important issue that is was brought up and discussed at the Summit of the Americas, right? You have to be shitting me. I mean, yes, Cuba's leaders have a lot to answer for. Come on, the idealism that started the Cuban revolution has sizzled and burned down to a hard turd. Don't get me wrong, probably most of those that engaged in the revolution were doing it with pure intentions, and Che was one of those, but no one can tell me that Fidel Castro is not as much a politician as any republican in the U.S. Sure, a communist (though he was a bit shady about that, too, wasn't he?), but still a bleeding politician. When has hurting the people of a country in order to get their government to do the right thing ever been a sound solution? Huh? Yeah, that's what I thought.....
Wendy Kozol’s The War In-Between
11 months ago
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